5 min readOct 1, 2020

WeNano Community Update — 01 Oct, 2020

We wanted to take a moment to update you with the current state of WeNano, and to highlight WeNano’s past, present, and future.


We chose to send out our update today in an effort to commemorate the launch of the original Nano (Raiblocks) Captcha faucets that launched on 01 October, 2015. This method of distribution is just one of the things that made Nano stand out in its earliest days. Five years later, WeNano’s first experiment has been revisiting the idea of distribution using the unique properties of Nano. Spots allow any user to set up a payable point on a map for any other user to collect from. All fast, all feeless. This was an idea born out of the capabilities of Nano rather than a direct need. However, like Nano itself, once the idea was out, it was hard to stop. Spots have popped up all over the world. We have more than 1000 spots that have processed more than 10,000 payouts totaling over 5000 Nano that has been distributed on the WeNano platform to date.


We are humbled by the engagement we have seen from both Nano vets and new Digital Money users alike. The possibilities of a fully capable digital currency seem to invite imaginative, innovative, and generous deployments of payout spots on the platform.

While we view WeNano as an extension of the Nano protocol itself, we intentionally left out strict direction related to how or why to use the current features. That hasn’t stopped new users from downloading, registering, and setting up/cashing out from spots every day. We have a few theories on the motivations behind some user actions and those theories will be informing how WeNano moves forward; but, in order to best build on the positive experiences users are having right now we are inviting our users to share their WeNano experiences with us directly. You can do so in 3 different ways.

  1. Email us at hello@wenano.net with your story of setting up and/or collecting from a spot. Why did you do it? What were your expectations? Were they met? Did you get anyone else to download and register? How did/would you pitch WeNano? What would you like to see happen next in the WeNano app?
  2. Visit us on Discord and stop by our #feedback channel. We want to hear about your experiences using the app, and maybe we’ll even stop by and ask you a few questions!
  3. Share your stories on Twitter and Instagram with the #WeNano hashtag. We’ll be actively trying to engage, and the public discourse might invite other people to jump in and join the experiment.

WeNano was built with an open door for possibilities — we didn’t limit ourselves to any narrow idea and we’re excited to hear about how people from around the world are utilizing and experiencing Nano within WeNano!


Setting digital money free was just the beginning. WeNano has decided to focus on what we are calling the 3 Branches of a Digitally Enhanced Society: Commerce, Culture, and Community. We have big plans that started with efforts such as WeNano Business and you can expect to see more features as well as expansions of existing features as early as the next 2–3 months. But all that is to say we need some help. As of right now we are a small team that is handling all development, QA, support, and community outreach. All of us are doing this in the free time that is allotted to us in between our other full-time commitments. We have been very lucky to have been blessed with some amazing support from entities such as Nano Venezuela, the Nanillionare group, Moonpay, the Nano Foundation, and many individuals with amazing insight, ideas, and efforts. WeNano is still in the very beginning stages of what we believe it could and should be. That growth will need much more engagement and resources than any that the current team is able to put in at the moment. So our path has been plotted knowing that we need at least 2 things to move forward: people and money.


One immediate truth is that we are finding ourselves lacking the Android development skills necessary to live up to our aspirations. We want to keep both platforms in equal consideration as we move forward. The last few months have shown just how important our Android users are to our continued growth. We wish to reciprocate their engagement by having the experience on Android as refined as the iOS build as a minimum requirement. If you have (or know someone with) Android development skills and passion for building on an exciting new platform, we invite you to reach out to work@wenano.net to start the conversations of how you can help. Also, if you have skills/insight that you think might be helpful to a platform such as ours, we invite you to reach out as well to explore the possibilities of bringing those ideas and skills into WeNano.


Despite all the Nano that might be flying around in the app, 0% of it is being diverted into any sort of maintenance or development costs. We believe that the current features involving Nano distribution should remain feeless in order to highlight one of the major inherent benefits of using Nano. Another thing that we want our users to know is that you are not the product. We want to be transparent with what data we are using and how we are using it; rest assured our data is strictly collected to reduce fraudulent activity and to provide you as great of an experience as possible. We have not and will not distribute any user data without explicit approval from the users. We are actively looking into ways of starting revenue streams that grow the platform while also keeping the privacy and core user experience of the app intact. This could come in the form of crowdfunding, extra feature monetization, investment opportunities, and sometimes just flat out asking for donations. The important thing to know is that regardless of what ways we decide to raise funds, we want equal access to all core WeNano features available to all users everywhere, always.

We hope you found this community update informative and useful. We want to thank everyone for your time today and always and for being a part of our community. We want to again thank everyone who has offered up all the different types of support that has been sent our way thus far. We also want to give a big thanks to the users going out and giving life to this little experiment of ours. As cliché as it might sound, we are literally nothing without your engagement and we hope you find our next experiments just as exciting and useful. We hope to be back soon with more updates on what is going on inside and around WeNano.

TL/DR: We’re excited. You’re excited. We want to know more. We want to DO more. And we welcome your help.

The conversation continues on Discord, Reddit, and Twitter. We invite you to come in and say hi!

For those looking to send some Nano our way to help everything that we’re doing: nano_3wenanohnrowkhich3ushzx9h7o9jq1dr5s8gfn1o1exo9qykirhwtu3d73k


WeNano Team