SpotChat is here!

4 min readNov 17, 2020


Hi everyone! We’re back again with another community update that we are especially excited to share with you.

Since the first days of WeNano, we knew that this platform was meant to be more than just a Nano distribution tool. We knew that tying a digital currency payout to physical space was not only an exciting prospect but also only the beginning of what could be done to make our digital world more informed by our physical world. In our continued journey to help build the digitally enhanced society focused on our everyday interactions with commerce, culture, and community, we came up with a new type of communication tool that centers around our beloved spots. We are calling it SpotChat.

With SpotChat, we are expanding the capabilities of every spot by offering more than just payouts. We are opening up the possibilities of hosting chats around whatever you want. Chat accessibility will mostly mirror the accessibility of the payouts so most chats will be populated by people in the area in which the spot lives. We believe that this gives the chats a unique utility in offering a place for community discussions based on the spot’s place in the world. From perpetual spots that host discussions for entire neighborhoods to temporary spots that host the chat for the concert at your local park, we’re excited to see how the users use this tool to enhance their connection to the people around them in unique ways.

In the SpotChat update we are also introducing new ways for spot owners to control many more aspects of their spots. We are adding the ability to fine-tune access to both payouts and SpotChat by giving users the capability to carefully curate the discussions and interactions they would like to see in their spots. In SpotChat, spot owners will have a full suite of moderation tools to make sure the chat stays productive, and they will be able to add moderators to help with that cause. Inside the Mod Room, moderators of the spot can have their own chats, ban users, and even decide to delete or keep messages that have been reported by users of the spot. We are also introducing the ability to manually approve every payout from any given spot. We hope that this will invite spot creators to think of new, unique ways to use spots while utilizing the many combinations of features they now have access to.

Another new feature that comes with SpotChat is teleporting. When a SpotChat has teleport enabled, the chat can be accessed from anywhere in the world for a tiny fee. That tiny fee gets split up between WeNano and the spot itself. Moderators and spot owners will always have access to all spots without the need to teleport. Use teleport to jump into a chat for a park you plan to visit in another country or to catch up with some of your hometown friends and family. You can even jump into a chat for the stadium of your favorite team to cheer along with fans who are watching live and you can maybe even buy a round of drinks! We are excited to see the many ways our users will use this new feature.

The update also brings other features such as private chat between contacts, random tipping in SpotChats, and some optimizations and design tweaks to both iOS and Android that gets them closer to equal operation. There ISS even a special treat that we have added on the map for all vigilant spot hunters.

The SpotChat update represents an exciting new chapter for WeNano. We are homing in on unique social interactions and finally (with teleport fees) discovering ways to monetize some features in what we believe is a fair way to help sustain the entire platform. We want to reiterate that user info and data will never be used for profit and will only be collected to make the app as user friendly and safe as possible.

We thank every single one of our users who have jumped in and helped make this special app the growing success that it is. Whether it be setting up the hundreds of spots around the world or inviting your friends and family to join you on a spot payout collection, every minute spent in the app is a minute we appreciate. Also, none of this is possible without the unique properties of the Nano currency. A big thank-you to the entire Nano community that has helped us grow and helped spread our crazy idea to all corners of the world. Let’s keep it going!

Thank you for your time and we’ll see you on WeNano!

TL/DR: New chat-centric features have been added to spots and between users. Optimizations have been made for Android, and our first step into fair monetization of extra features has been added.

